January Focus- Pursuing God
Published by Durand on Saturday, December 30, 2006 at 6:32 AM.
Scripture Focus: Psalm 63:1
O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you,
in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
Quote: How tragic that we in this dark day have had our seeking done for us by our teachers. Everything is made to center upon the initial act of "accepting" Christ (a term, incidentally, which is not found in the Bible) and we are not expected thereafter to crave any further revelation of God to our souls. We have been snared in the coils of a spurious logic which insists that if we have found Him, we need no more seek Him...
In the midst of this great chill there are some, I rejoice to acknowledge, who will not be content with shallow logic. They will admit the force of the argument, and then turn away with tears to hunt some lonely place and pray, "O God, show me Thy Glory." They want to taste, to touch with their hearts, to see with their inner eyes the wonder that is God. (from A.W. Tozer, "The Pursuit of God")
Lord, unmask the futility of pursuing anything other than you.
"Find rest, my soul, in God alone." Ps. 62:1
For further reading:
The Pursuit of God, by A.W.Tozer (1957, Camp Hill, PA: Christian Publications)
A. W. Tozer was a rare breed in his day, and would have been even more so today. A God-taught man, Tozer learned early in life, the key to spiritual knowledge --- an open Bible, before bended knees. His book focuses on a loving and soul-satisfying God as revealed to the Christian with a heart, hungry to know Him.
O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you,
in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
Quote: How tragic that we in this dark day have had our seeking done for us by our teachers. Everything is made to center upon the initial act of "accepting" Christ (a term, incidentally, which is not found in the Bible) and we are not expected thereafter to crave any further revelation of God to our souls. We have been snared in the coils of a spurious logic which insists that if we have found Him, we need no more seek Him...
In the midst of this great chill there are some, I rejoice to acknowledge, who will not be content with shallow logic. They will admit the force of the argument, and then turn away with tears to hunt some lonely place and pray, "O God, show me Thy Glory." They want to taste, to touch with their hearts, to see with their inner eyes the wonder that is God. (from A.W. Tozer, "The Pursuit of God")
Lord, unmask the futility of pursuing anything other than you.
"Find rest, my soul, in God alone." Ps. 62:1

The Pursuit of God, by A.W.Tozer (1957, Camp Hill, PA: Christian Publications)
A. W. Tozer was a rare breed in his day, and would have been even more so today. A God-taught man, Tozer learned early in life, the key to spiritual knowledge --- an open Bible, before bended knees. His book focuses on a loving and soul-satisfying God as revealed to the Christian with a heart, hungry to know Him.