Getting more out of your Fast Food Fast.
Published by Durand on Friday, October 20, 2006 at 6:07 PM.
If you're new with using Guide, here are a few tips.
REVIEW: Each week, read the intro section to the month again, reviewing the Bible the verse, and then dive into the questions. I'll remind you when we head into a new section what the over-arching theme is and maybe bring a little review into the post as well.
MEMORIZATION: I've got a good memory. It's just a little short. (ha...) And a bit random.
It remembers insults people have thrown my way for years. It remembers worthless song lyrics that I heard maybe once. But try and get it to remember important things like God's promises and the sponge turns into a brick.
Every month, there'll be one anchor scripture verse. Not chapter. Not whole passage. Just a verse or two that I need to have wedged in my heart and mind. And believe it or not, I'm actually going to take a stab at memorizing them. If I can do it ANYONE can do it. (Ask my wife.)
REGULARITY: I know we all have way too much to do. And with that kind of pace, it's easy to leave out things you wish you'd done, but just plain forgot or let slide.
Take a look at your week and choose the most likely moment you'd have to make 15 minutes work, then stick to it. Maybe it's during breakfast on Saturday mornings. Or Sunday evening, before hitting the sack. Or the one weekday lunch you inevitably leave work to go for a quick lunch. Skip lunch, or at least be late.
What I'm saying is, create an oasis moment for you to dive into time with God, and protect it. You could do all these questions in one sitting, but don't. Regular eating is always healthier than binging.
APPLY: They say the number one reason people run from God is the hypocracy they see in those that follow him. The questions are to help us know God's will and do it. I never meant these little studies to be a simple pursuit of wisdom. I want my life to change because of what I know.
If you've got suggestions email me. I'm asking God to make this worthwhile in my life and in yours.
REVIEW: Each week, read the intro section to the month again, reviewing the Bible the verse, and then dive into the questions. I'll remind you when we head into a new section what the over-arching theme is and maybe bring a little review into the post as well.
MEMORIZATION: I've got a good memory. It's just a little short. (ha...) And a bit random.
It remembers insults people have thrown my way for years. It remembers worthless song lyrics that I heard maybe once. But try and get it to remember important things like God's promises and the sponge turns into a brick.
Every month, there'll be one anchor scripture verse. Not chapter. Not whole passage. Just a verse or two that I need to have wedged in my heart and mind. And believe it or not, I'm actually going to take a stab at memorizing them. If I can do it ANYONE can do it. (Ask my wife.)
REGULARITY: I know we all have way too much to do. And with that kind of pace, it's easy to leave out things you wish you'd done, but just plain forgot or let slide.
Take a look at your week and choose the most likely moment you'd have to make 15 minutes work, then stick to it. Maybe it's during breakfast on Saturday mornings. Or Sunday evening, before hitting the sack. Or the one weekday lunch you inevitably leave work to go for a quick lunch. Skip lunch, or at least be late.
What I'm saying is, create an oasis moment for you to dive into time with God, and protect it. You could do all these questions in one sitting, but don't. Regular eating is always healthier than binging.
APPLY: They say the number one reason people run from God is the hypocracy they see in those that follow him. The questions are to help us know God's will and do it. I never meant these little studies to be a simple pursuit of wisdom. I want my life to change because of what I know.
If you've got suggestions email me. I'm asking God to make this worthwhile in my life and in yours.
Introduction to the Fast Food Fast Guide.
Published by Durand on at 4:25 PM.
The Fast Food Fast Guide is meant to help lead people into a growing relationship with Christ through a deepening sense of intimacy with God, a growing sense of community with other believers, and a increasing sense of influence in the lives of those without Christ.
The Guide is simply a 52 week set of Bible passages, quotes from others who've gone this road before us, and a series of questions for us to think and pray through.
There is no doubt that we can learn from one another as we journey together. We've gone with a blog-style guide because the questions may bring up things people want to share. (Note: this is not meant to be a place for sermonettes or personal rants.) But we do expect God to speak through his Spirit and through his Word. Leave a comment if you've got something you'd like to share with the rest of us.
I'd like to adapt the 5 rules for discussion from the Alpha program. That way you'll know why a comment has been included or excluded from the blog.
The Guide is simply a 52 week set of Bible passages, quotes from others who've gone this road before us, and a series of questions for us to think and pray through.
There is no doubt that we can learn from one another as we journey together. We've gone with a blog-style guide because the questions may bring up things people want to share. (Note: this is not meant to be a place for sermonettes or personal rants.) But we do expect God to speak through his Spirit and through his Word. Leave a comment if you've got something you'd like to share with the rest of us.
I'd like to adapt the 5 rules for discussion from the Alpha program. That way you'll know why a comment has been included or excluded from the blog.
- There are no "stupid" questions. We're all at different places in the journey.
- There's no need room for ridicule or senseless criticism of others. Respect is the rule, and growing with Christ is the goal.
- Things shared in confidentiality stay confidential. You may be thinking how anything on a blog can be confidential? Sometimes you really need to share something God's showing you through the study, but you don't know folks you feel you can share it with. If you want to share something confidentially send it to us via the "contact us" link rather than the comment option. We'll get back to you that way.
- Don't interrupt. On this blog, changing the subject, rants and random thoughts that don't pertain to the questions will not be posted. (Start your own blog if you've got other things to say.)
- You don't have to comment if you don't want to. Enough said.